Grand-Parenting Counseling

Three generation households are more and more common. Even if they are not living with their grandchildren, grandparents often have an integral role in raising their grandchildren. Even in this central role grandparents are often not given the authority to make parenting decisions. A parent might discipline a child and expect the grandparent to carry out the discipline. This can be confusing and contribute to disharmony in the family. Grandparents pick sick children up from school, chauffeur them to athletic practices and afterschool activities, do homework with them and make dinners. I hear grandparents tell me that they feel like babysitters expected to provide ‘coverage’ for their grandchildren at a moment’s notice. “I’m a grandparent, not a babysitter. I love my grand kids and enjoy being with them but don’t call me a babysitter.” Grandparents love their grandchildren and want to do anything to help but little by little they find themselves taken for granted. With over 25,000 hours of experience Mr. Rhea has time tested ideas to help families work together more efficiently and more harmoniously.